You can easily make changes to your membership by filling out the form below!
Update your contact information - Changed your phone number? Your address? Moved into your van? Tell us about it here.
Update your payment information - Credit card expired? Changed? Need to put your credit card information on file with us? You can do it via this secure field.
Freeze an EFT membership - For $9 a month, you can freeze your membership and avoid paying a startup fee when you return.
Terminate an EFT membership - We're sorry to see you go! Don't forget: if you freeze your membership instead, you'll avoid paying a startup fee when you come back.
Freeze a prepaid membership - For $10 a month, you can freeze your membership at any time, and for any duration, during the pandemic. There is no need to send payment for this option; we simply convert your held days to a prorated value, and reduce your expiry date (rounded down) accordingly. This equates to approximately 4-6 days per held month, depending on whether you are a one month or an annual member.
Ask for an injury/illness hold - If you are injured or ill and need to take more than a month off of climbing, let us know and we may be able to put your membership on hold for free. This option requires a doctor's note.
IMPORTANT: All EFT membership changes must be made by the last day of the month. Any submissions sent on or after the 1st will be processed for the following month.
If you have any questions, please contact your home gym!